
What does empowerment mean?


The definition of empowerment is:

Authority or power given to someone to do something.


  • You have the POWER to create memories for your customers by enlivening Big Little Things.
  • You have the POWER to resolve problems when they occur.
  • You have the POWER to make decisions on your own.
  • You have the POWER to surprise and delight your customers.
  • You have the POWER to spend up to £1,000 on your customers!


You have the POWER to be a Stena Line Superhero!


How can you be a Stena Line Superhero?

By always putting your customer at the heart of what you do! (and say)


Story time…this is not about Superhero status…quite the opposite in fact.

Let’s call him ‘That Employee’.

I recently had a service experience where I was told ‘No’ for everything by ‘That Employee’.

  • NO, you cannot have breakfast at 7 am.
  • NO, you cannot have an iron in your room.
  • NO, you cannot order dinner in your room.
  • NO, you cannot breathe! (maybe not, but that’s how I felt!)

I felt under-valued, unappreciated and frustrated! I was told NO without being told what was possible. The whole experience left a negative taste in my mouth…

I’m sure you don’t want to be… ‘That Employee’!



How do you use your empowerment to always say YES?

It’s pretty simple…just don’t say no! Not that simple, right? Let’s learn how…

Follow these 4 steps to ALWAYS say YES! when a customer asks for something we just cannot do, something that’s a hard NO due to process, policy or availability!

  1. Make friends first!
    • Always use positive words. Keep your language above that line – no, unfortunately, I cannot are not in your vocabulary!
    • For example: If a customer asks for a glass of champagne, it’s a hard no as we don’t sell champagne by the glass….so you could say
      • “Champagne – great choice! Are you celebrating a special occasion?” OR
      • “Lovely – one of my favourites! Is there a celebration at your table?”
  2. What you CAN do!
    • Think about what is available, what you can offer, what products or services could meet the customers needs or wants
    • For example: when the customer asks for a glass of champagne, we can offer Champagne by the bottle and we have Prosecco by the glass and Cava
  3. Offer Options!
    • Give your customer options without saying no! They don’t want to or need to hear NO!
    • For example: “I can offer you Champagne by the bottle, does that work for you?”
    • If the customer says they do not want a bottle, what are the options? “I can offer either Prosecco or Cava by the glass”
    • The Magical Phrase:  ‘Which option would you like?’  ‘which option works for you?’ or if you only have ONE option ‘Does that work for you?’ puts the decision in the customers hands
    • Everyone wants to be in control, we are all programmed to want what we want, by putting the options and decision in the customers hands, you will fulfil their needs
  4. Be Creative!
    • Work with your team to identify your hard NO’s that customers ask and get creative with options! Remember failing to prepare is preparing to fail!
    • Come up with a list of your hard NO’s and the options, share with your colleagues!


Easy, right? It seems easy! It’s really not when you have a customer in front of you asking for something you CANNOT do or something that is against policy. We are all genetically programmed to jump into fight or flight mode when we are faced with a NO confrontation. It’s in our genes, it ages back to caveman days where survival was key.

It takes practice and time to deliver YES! answers. Hang in there, try it out…you may even stutter at first. That’s OK, keep practising. Before you know it, you’ll be a Stena Line Superhero who always says YES!



Your £1,000 empowerment

Our problem resolution process is clear – spend if you think it is appropriate.

Suppose your customer tells you that they only want a glass to celebrate a birthday, a promotion at work, a new house…you could offer a bottle on you!

You have the POWER to make that decision!

Not every situation warrants spending money! I like to say the crime must fit the punishment…of course not applicable to every situation, but you know what I mean! Surprising a child with a colouring book and pens, surprising a couple travelling on honeymoon with two glasses of Cava and some chocolates – these are BIG LITTLE THINGS! Low cost, BIG impact.

Your manager and colleagues are always there for you if you would like support with ideas…don’t be shy…

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